Friday, June 7, 2013

Verizon Internet T1 Service

Verizon Internet T1 services are perfect for companies in Irvine, California and throughout the United States. By providing 1.54Mbps of guaranteed bandwidth it allows small offices to connect directly to the public Internet. In doing so, Verizon Internet T1 services allow small business in the United States the ability to utilize dedicated bandwidth to connect to the cloud, use VoIP/SIP phones, and to optimize applications across the network. We can offer Instant Pricing through our automated tool to help you find out if a Verizon T1 is available in your area, and if so, what it would cost.

Verizon Internet T1 Services | Try out our Instant Pricing tool to see if you qualify for Verizon T1 services in your area | High Bandwidth GuaranteedIf you are using the Cloud, a Verizon Internet T1 is perfect for your business. Verizon T1 dedicated bandwidth will allow you an optimal public Internet connection to your applications in the cloud. Dedicated bandwidth will prevent bottlenecks from forming on your network. The prevention of bottlenecking will ensure delivery of your packets across the network. Small office applications such as email, or CRM applications utilize a smaller amount of data, but still need to have a dedicated circuit. The dedicated circuit will ensure that your emails are delivered to your clients in a timely and effective manner.

Verizon Internet T1 services are also perfect for VoIP users. As traditional phone systems continue to move to newer VoIP (Voice over IP) phones dedicated bandwidth becomes a necessity. As networks become overloaded with packet information from web browsing, Emails, and other application traffic your voice traffic will begin to lose its quality. When you lose quality on your voice lines your customers and co-workers will be unable to understand your conversations. Verizon Internet T1 services can come with QoS, or Quality of Service. With Quality of Service you are guaranteed to have quality voice services, ensuring that your clients understand everything that is said in every conversation.

EasyT1 has been delivering Verizon T1 Services since 2003. In doing so we have delivered Internet T1 services to companies for many different reasons. Through our experience we have the ability to walk through each step of the Verizon T1 process with all of our customers. As we walk through Verizon T1 Installations, support, and other aspects of the service we are able to provide advice on anything that is related to your network. Try out our Instant Pricing tool to see if you qualify for Verizon T1 services in your area.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

AT&T T1 Internet Service

AT&T T1 Internet servicesTired of your Business Cable or DSL service slowing down the pace of your business? AT&T’s PremierSERV T1 Internet service could very well be the perfect solution you’ve been searching for to increase performance and productivity.

More and more small and medium businesses are switching to a T1 Internet connection when their Cable or DSL services just are not enough anymore. Among the robust set of standard features that come with a T1 Internet service, two crucial elements always seem to stand out.

First off, Dedicated Internet Access with an AT&T T1 connection guarantees that you get the bandwidth you pay for. The public Internet that supports DSL and Cable services can get bogged down during peak traffic both within your office and between you and your neighbors causing your applications, browsers, and emails to slow to a snails pace. AT&T T1 Internet services give you the peace of mind knowing exactly what services you’ll receive from the very beginning.

Secondly, T1 services offer top-notch reliability. Everyday the Internet is becoming more like oxygen – it’s pretty hard to live without. Network outages and connection issues kill productivity and can waste hours upon hours of everyone’s time. With a T1 solution from one of the most trusted names in the industry you get the reliability you need to make your business that much more successful.

Complimenting that wide array of features any standard T1 brings forth, AT&T puts even more on the table. AT&T T1 Internet services allow you to integrate all your telecommunications needs under one provider all on one bill. Combining your voice, data, and Internet services simplifies your monthly billing and centralizes any and all possible support issues.

As our dependence on the Internet continues to grow it is a necessity more than ever to have an always on, always accessible, reliable connection. AT&T T1 Internet services offer a convenient and integrated solution ready to boost your business.

Get High Speed and Reliable AT&T T1 Internet services for Your Business
 A Representative from EasyT1 is always available to discuss how we can help grow your business and answer any questions you may have about our products or services. Please call us at 888-972-BLUE or Click Here to let us know the best way to contact you.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

AT&T Multi-Protocol Label Switching Network

AT&T MPLS NetworkAs a business owner you need to take great care to pay attention to upgrades in technology. Although you may not feel comfortable adopting upgrades early you will find that changes in technology are inevitable and soon enough you will have to learn and evolve with the changing times (for instance you may not have been excited to begin using a smartphone. You may have resisted making this change for some time. But, I am sure, that eventually you pick up this new technology and ran with it. Now, aren’t you glad you made the change? Don’t you feel lost without your blackberry or iPhone?) Now is the time to upgrade your businesses network technology to AT&T MPLS.

Why choose AT&T MPLS?

At&T Multi-Protocol Label Switching employs technology that switches and routes your networks communication around hindrances such as congestion. This allows AT&T MPLS to guarantee speed and consistency. When you are using one or more websites to communicate with your clients it is important to provide them with a seamless web experience. You want your customers to know that your business and your website are fast and efficient as well as consistent and well managed. It is a proven fact that the faster your website runs from click to click the less likely users will be to navigate away from your site to a competitor. Why wouldn’t you want to give your business that advantage in today’s competitive market place?

AT&T Multi-Protocol Label Switching is not just fast, it is safe and secure. There are a variety of security precautions that AT&T employs to keep your data private. One of these is IP packets. Private data can be stored in IP packets so that information is kept private as it travels across the internet. Also, AT&T uses one of the most advanced firewalls on the market today.

AT&T Multi-Protocol Label Switching is one of the most cost effective network systems out there. This is why so many businesses rely on MPLS. Also, AT&T has a long proven history of reliability. You can take comfort that you are putting your business in safe hands.

Get Quote for AT&T Multi-Protocol Label Switching Network Click Here
Please contact us at today if you are interested in upgrading your businesses network to AT&T Multi-Protocol Label Switching Network. We have an experienced team and we are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to advise you in this important decision.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


What really is MPLS?

Multi-Protocol Label Switching, better known as MPLS, is a high- speed highly effective means of transferring data across a network. Often times, with other data carrying technologies data moves across the internet by jumping from endpoint to endpoint. At each of these endpoints the network address is looked up in full in a routing table and then the data moves on to the next endpoint. Multi-Protocol Label Switching works differently. With MPLS each packet of information is given a label. That label outlines the packets route from node to node, start to finish, this eliminates all of the endpoint lookups and speeds the process of information transfer.

MPLS operates at a level between the data link layer, layer two, and the network layer, layer one. For this reason Multi-Protocol Label switching is considered to be layer 2.5 protocol.

What are the benefits of MPLS?

Multi-Protocol Label Switching allows the user to decide which information is most time sensitive. MPLS offers different classes of service. This is a great way for you to insure that secondary communication is held back while time sensitive communication is pushed through at the fastest speed possible. This works because both types of traffic travel over the same link so high priority traffic is actually able to borrow capacity from the less urgent material. MPLS is also able to decide on the best path to send information. Rather than sending everything directly over the shortest path MPLS spreads out communication. This reduces network congestion. Even though the material may be taking a longer route it gets to its destination faster by avoiding congested areas. Additionally, Multi-Protocol Label Switching is scalable. This means that you can get just the right amount of service to meet your business’ specific needs. This cuts down on cost in the end because it frees you from paying for anything you do not need.

Get High-Speed AT&T MPLS Internet Service for your Businesses

Lastly, it is important to note that a key benefit of AT&T MPLS is AT&T itself. When you work with such a widely used company you can count on their sustainability and reputation. AT&T is one of the most reliable telecommunication providers available today. AT&T engineers are constantly working to test and improve their MPLS service. This should give you as a consumer the confidence you need trust AT&T with your communication needs.

Please contact us at today for more information.

Point to Point T1

Point to Point T1
Points to Point T1 service is one of the most widely relied upon internet connect options for businesses today. As a business owner you need an internet connection that you can rely on. Reliability is at the core of point to point T1. How do we know this? We know this because point to point t1 internet service is a service that solely services you and your business. The t1 lines are dedicated lines. They provide a connection unlike Cable and DSL.

We at can work with you to determine exactly how much service your business requires at its peak time and set you up with a dedicated line to provide you with exactly that much service. Never again will you have to worry about slowdowns and disconnects during peak business hours. You can rest assured that your team has as much internet power and they need. Also, since point to point t1 internet is scalable, you never have to worry about paying for more service than you need. You can start with a partial or bonded line that is appropriate for your current needs and you can always scale up or down and your business evolves.

At we work with a wide array of leading communication and internet providers—including but not limited to Verizon, Mega Path Data Voice Security, Level(3) Communications, Sprint, AT&T and Savvis. Because of our great reputation and strong communication industry connections we have the ability to provide our clients with the best service for their business at the best price. It is in our interest to please you and to provide you with the perfect fit for your business. Additionally it is not just point to point T1 connections that we offer.

Get Point to Point T1 Service – The Most Relied Internet Option for businesses

We are also providers of DS3, MPLS and Ethernet connections as well as DDoS detection services and video conferencing services. A member of our knowledgeable and professional staff is standing by now to assist you in making your important business internet decisions. We are happy to evaluate your business and help you in determining your specific needs.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Verizon T1 Internet Service for High Speed Internet

Verizon T1 Internet Service provides guaranteed, consistent, high speed internet.

The Verizon Guarantee

Verizon T1 Internet Service
Verizon has been supplying businesses and homes across America with reliable internet service for decades. You can feel confident with your business in the hands of this stable and reliable company. Verizon has been at the forefront of the internet revolution from the beginning and they continue to provide excellent service, growing technology and an educated team of researchers and engineers. When selecting an internet provide for your business it is important to choose one that you can trust now and for years to come.

Verizon T1 Internet offers consistent service

With T1 internet you can be certain of consistency in your service. Unlike Dial up and cable internet services you do not have to share your bandwidth with neighboring users. T1 lines are dedicated to the business that they service. Once you know exactly how much bandwidth your business uses at its peak you will be able to simply purchase that amount of service. Our team at Easyt1 is here to help you with this. All of the members of our staff are knowledgeable and willing to give you an informative consultation. We will work together to determine your business’ exact needs. Once we know and provide the necessary bandwidth your internet service will be unaffected by all outside variables. You get exactly what you pay for all hours of the day and night.

Verizon T1 internet is high speed

Time is money and your business most likely runs on the internet. Therefore, internet speed is important. T1 internet guarantees high speed service. With t1 internet your employees will not have to wait out disconnects or sit back while webpages load slowly during peak hours. Your service speed will be fast and steady at all times. This means that employees will have the ability to work as fast as they desire and as fast as they should.

Get Guaranteed, Consistent, High Speed Verizon T1 Internet Service

If you chose to employ Verizon t1 internet in your business you will be setting yourself and your employees up with the tools necessary for success. Please get in contact with our team today. We are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to offer consultations and discuss Verizon t1 service and other internet options. With our guidance you will determine the most efficient and cost effective internet service to implement in your business.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

T1 Internet Connection

What is a t1 Internet Connection and when is it useful?

T1 Internet Connection A t1 Internet connection is a dedicated line that businesses often choose to use to connect to the internet. In order to understand why people choose t1 service we must first consider the common problems that business owners face when relying upon DSL or cable internet.

When you are using DSL or Cable internet you are sharing your service with neighboring businesses. This means that there is only so much bandwidth to go around. Unfortunately, most businesses operate during the same hours. This means that during those ‘peak hours’ users are often susceptible to slowed down downloads, internet disconnects, interrupted video views and perhaps slow transmission of emails with large attachments. This slow service is undeniably disruptive to your business. It causes breaks in your employee’s workdays. And, if employees are not maximizing their time, then work is taking them longer to complete and in the end costing you more money than necessary. Also, it is frustrating for employees to constantly reboot or to sit around waiting for web pages to download. Employees that have all of the necessary tools to complete their work are happy employees and happy employees are more productive and efficient. Additionally, it is important to consider turnaround time in the eyes of your clients. When a client sends you a PowerPoint presentation to modify or asks for your detailed opinion about their new website it is important for you to get back to them in a timely manner. t1 internet is a tool that allows you to work quickly and efficiently. If you commit to using t1 internet in your business you won’t have to take time away from your work to troubleshoot internet connectivity issues.

Get T1 Internet Connection - Dedicated Internet Lines for your Business

t1 internet provides your business with dedicated internet lines. The lines will solely support your business. Once we evaluate your business’ true individual bandwidth needs we will be able to select the appropriate number of lines for you. You can choose a partial line if your business is very small and needs only a small amount of bandwidth at this time. Choose a full dedicated line comprised of 24 channels if your business is a bit larger and you need more bandwidth. Or, if your business needs more that 24 channels you also have the option of choosing a bonded line. Lastly, it is important to mention that these options are always changeable. Your business will grow and we are able to add t1 lines as you go.