Tuesday, March 26, 2013

T1 Internet Connection

What is a t1 Internet Connection and when is it useful?

T1 Internet Connection A t1 Internet connection is a dedicated line that businesses often choose to use to connect to the internet. In order to understand why people choose t1 service we must first consider the common problems that business owners face when relying upon DSL or cable internet.

When you are using DSL or Cable internet you are sharing your service with neighboring businesses. This means that there is only so much bandwidth to go around. Unfortunately, most businesses operate during the same hours. This means that during those ‘peak hours’ users are often susceptible to slowed down downloads, internet disconnects, interrupted video views and perhaps slow transmission of emails with large attachments. This slow service is undeniably disruptive to your business. It causes breaks in your employee’s workdays. And, if employees are not maximizing their time, then work is taking them longer to complete and in the end costing you more money than necessary. Also, it is frustrating for employees to constantly reboot or to sit around waiting for web pages to download. Employees that have all of the necessary tools to complete their work are happy employees and happy employees are more productive and efficient. Additionally, it is important to consider turnaround time in the eyes of your clients. When a client sends you a PowerPoint presentation to modify or asks for your detailed opinion about their new website it is important for you to get back to them in a timely manner. t1 internet is a tool that allows you to work quickly and efficiently. If you commit to using t1 internet in your business you won’t have to take time away from your work to troubleshoot internet connectivity issues.

Get T1 Internet Connection - Dedicated Internet Lines for your Business

t1 internet provides your business with dedicated internet lines. The lines will solely support your business. Once we evaluate your business’ true individual bandwidth needs we will be able to select the appropriate number of lines for you. You can choose a partial line if your business is very small and needs only a small amount of bandwidth at this time. Choose a full dedicated line comprised of 24 channels if your business is a bit larger and you need more bandwidth. Or, if your business needs more that 24 channels you also have the option of choosing a bonded line. Lastly, it is important to mention that these options are always changeable. Your business will grow and we are able to add t1 lines as you go.

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