Thursday, March 21, 2013

Business t1 Internet

Business t1
Business t1 Internet is an internet service that provides fast, reliable internet to your business over dedicated lines. t1 Internet is a very common choice of businesses today. This is likely do the dedicated service it provides. With a dedicated service your business operates independently of surrounding businesses. You are free from slowdowns and disconnects caused by others at peak work hours. You are able to assess the amount of bandwidth that you need and purchase just that. Even though one Business t1 Internet line comes with 1.54 Mb of bandwidth you are not bound to that amount. You can choose to purchase just a few channels if that is all your small business requires. Or, you can choose to purchase bonded lines — doubling, tripling or even quadrupling the Megabytes of bandwidth you receive. This ability to purchase the exact amount of reliable internet is appealing to business owners. As a business owner, you value your funds and you don’t want to waste money now pay for internet that you may not need for years. Many business owners choose t1 because they can increase bandwidth easily as they increase employees and expand their offices.

What are the fundamental features of Business t1:

  • 24 digitized voice channels
  • Carries data at a speed of 1.54 Megabytes per second
  • Runs over fiber optic cables and/or copper wires
  • 60 times faster than dial up
  • Works in most rural locations
  • Capable of being integrated onto an MPLS service
  • Works with a variety of carriers (AT&T, Verizon, Century Link, etc.)
  • Dedicated lines that are not shared with other businesses

Click Here to get Fast, Reliable Business t1 Internet Service for your Business

At we know that as a business owner you are faced with a plethora of important decisions to make each day. We also know that decisions regarding telecommunications are some of the most important that you will make. Your internet service and reliability is a big part of your businesses day to day operations. T1 internet is an incredibly viable option for businesses large and small. AT we a have a knowledgeable team standing by to answer all of your questions and address your concerns. We will work with you to determine which solution is best for your businesses. And, we have partnerships will all leading carriers. We are prepared to provide you with a price quote instantly. Do not hesitate to give us a call soon. We look forward to working with you.

Image Source: ddpavumba, jscreationzs /

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