Sunday, December 16, 2012

AT&T Managed Internet Services

Typically when Internet service providers advertise “business class” Internet, they are referring to bandwidth that is often shared with a large number of additional customers. While this helps to keep your monthly bill low, it ends up costing your company more in the long run due to service delays and downtime. With a dedicated Internet access connection from AT&T, you receive a dedicated port that provides true business-grade connectivity over their powerful OC48/OC192IP backbone.

Excellent performance, world-class reliability, and dedicated access

Commonly referred to as AT&T MIS, AT&T Managed Internet Services offer dedicated access to the provider’s high speed backbone in a number of varying speeds, ranging from traditional Internet T1 speeds of 1.5 Mb up to NxT1, or 6 Mb, depending upon your business’s location. Available as both part of an integrated communications plan or as a stand-alone service, AT&T MIS is designed to let you focus your time and energy on your business and not your connection to the Internet.

Recognized as one of the leading worldwide providers of IP-based communications services to businesses, AT&T knows that today’s networks are continuously maturing and becoming more and more crucial to companies of all sizes. Network availability and uptime is extremely important when it comes to performing daily business operations like conferencing etc, AT&T is proud to provide one of the world’s most powerful and advanced global backbone networks that offers up to 99.999% reliability.

In a continued effort to provide its customers with maximum up-time for both applications and websites, AT&T continues to design new network connections to optimize performance of dedicated Internet circuits and increase redundancy. In addition, competitive Service Level Agreements provide the following guarantees:
  • 100% site availability
  • 99.95% data delivery – network-wide monthly average
  • 1.0 ms jitter – network-wide monthly average
  • 37 ms latency delay (US) – network-wide monthly average
In the event that the terms of your SLA are not met, you will receive a credit on your monthly bill. For example, if your business experiences a network outage that lasts longer than one minute in any calendar month, you would be eligible for a credit of one day’s worth of your total monthly connection charge.

Dedicated Access with AT&T Managed Internet Services

AT&T MIS Access Redundancy Options (MARO) works to help you expand your IP connectivity by providing a number of ways to enhance the strength of your network connections. AT&T’s exclusive set of options was created to eliminate single points of failure and make the most of the performance of multiple, dedicated Internet circuits.

For more information on AT&T Managed Internet Services, give us a call today.

Image Source: xedos4,jscreationzs /

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