Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Verizon Internet T1 Services for Reliable and High Speed Network Connection

Verizon Internet T1 Services offer a high-speed option for those who need a reliable and fast network connection. By operating as a dedicated, non-shared service, a Verizon Internet T1 will be able to transfer important files without suffering from bottlenecking. Bottlenecking is the loss of data due to stress on the Internet service. This causes a loss of data and in turn poor service quality with dropped emails, and dropped calls for those who are running Voice over IP (VoIP). A Verizon T1 has speeds from 1.544Mbps, to bonded Verizon T1’s that span from 3.0Mbps to 12Mbps.

We have seen many of our clients move to redundant Internet T1 options. To create a redundant Internet service Verizon will use two different Central Office’s, or Hubs to provisions two private and completely separate circuits. In the event of a network outage the user will be protected against network failures by utilizing a completely separate network. Additionally redundant Internet T1’s provide completely secure and dedicated 3.0Mbps and higher Internet speeds. With full Service Level Agreements you are protected against elongated network outages. Also, you will rest assured that at no point in the contract will the pricing on your service increase. With Verizon you are able to use the same router for any bonded solution, or any redundant solution at your location.

Verizon Internet T1’s follow the same installation process as other carriers, generally taking 30-45 days. The installation process proceeds through many different people and project managers. First, there is product entry and order submission where the order is submitted and takes the first steps in the order process. After this step it is handed to a sales engineer who designs the best route for your circuit. Next Verizon reaches out the Local Carrier, (LEC) if Verizon is not the last mile provider. The LEC, or local carrier, will build the circuit to your building and will provided the last mile connection. Verizon will then test and accept the circuit. Once accepted Verizon will send a tech to your location to turn up the service.

Fastblue works closely with our carriers to be sure that our clients are experiencing the highest level of service possible. Throughout the order process a Fastblue product manager will push the carrier and will monitor the progress of the order being sure to install in a timely an quality manner. Please email quotes@fastblue.com to learn more about our conferencing services, products and to receive product information and pricing.

Image Source: cooldesign, digitalart /FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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